When it comes to certain products they need to be organized and designed properly. But selling these items becomes a different task when you have competitors and you need to stand out from the competition. Products can be sold in different fields that make the product itself more valuable, for this reason you have to be able to market these items with a strategy of selling. The product mix, the product line, and the product items are concepts of selling goods.


The product mix is something that refers to the total number of product lines a company has to offer to its customers. Within the product mix however, you have to be very diverse and break off into four different dimensions so the company can expand. The four things being width, length, depth and consistency within selling a good that you build on to have loyal customers of your product or brand. Width for example, pertains mainly to the number of product lines the company has to sell. Length, is number of items within the product mix itself. Depth, focuses on the total number of variations for each product sold. And finally, consistency shows a relation in which you have with the product and how closely related the product lines are. In the end, the product mix is used to help the company stay focused on the businesses core values and not shy away from what it is they’re trying to accomplish.


A product line is a group of related goods or products that are under a single brand that happens to be sold by the same company. Product lines are created for marketing strategy purposes to see sales of consumers who have already bought something from a specific brand. This is used for when you see that consumers are continuously buying a product that they have a positive reaction to and something that they know about and love. To expand form this a business could simply add new items that they’ve come up with to different product lines and extend the line and introduce something new to its consumers.


The concept for the product item is that there are multiple varieties that offer different products. Varieties can be based on things such size, color, price, etc. These categories enable items to be put in different classifications and help with numbering the items and you’re able to view the total number of items you have. Each line is similar in one way or another and helps the consumer stay loyal to the brand or product in which you’re trying to purchase.


The Pittsburgh Steelers product mix is something along the lines of selling items in the stadium and in stores around the city of Pittsburgh and in the state itself. They are all receiving the same items just from different locations, Nike jerseys being sold in and out of the stadium and you could also buy them at local shops on the street. The difference between some shirts however were that some don’t look like jerseys and are just shirts that you Ould buy at your local Walmart. The design, numbers, names and logos are all the same just printed on different clothing items to make them more affordable for the fans. The organization itself though is focused on producing items that resemble the best players on the team and are usually the best selling merchandise that families want to buy. For the product line Nike is a big factor in the Steelers organization because if they aren’t selling the jerseys they can buy Nike Dry-Fit shirts that still have the teams logo. This can be seen as efficient so it may be more affordable but still have the brand and know where they got it from so that in the future they know where to go to get another one. With the product item this helps the organization track which items they sell and which items they need more of. For instance, jerseys, they come in different colors and if you don’t keep track of the selling of white, black, or throw back jerseys the Nike industry doesn’t know what to produce more of if they’re out of it. Product items for the Steelers are tracked at all games so they know which ones to stock up on and how fast they sell compared to the others.

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For Nike, the product mix at the beginning of the start up was just based on shoes. They soon realized they needed to expand into different categories, so they would branch off into doing various shoes such as cleats, running shoes, and even sandals. But thats not it they also do apparel and different types of sporting equipment for all types of sports. Nike still is working on learning new ideas by investing in different categories and developing resources to produce new items. Nikes product line is self explanatory, they sell different types of goods such as shoes, cleats, shirts, pants etc. that are all sold by the same company and made by the same company. For the product items of Nike they are so diverse they have so many categories for all of items they have. For example, their shoes, they have different options such as basketball, running, soccer, track, casual and football they also have them for men, women and children and thats what makes them so broad of a company.

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For a golf course/company the product mix is simply what the course itself has to offer. They offer a round of golf, but times have changed that you can join a club in which you’re a member at a certain price and have the chance at cheaper or discounted games. They also have provided things such as food and drinks at the beginning, during, and after the 18 rounds of entertainment they can enjoy it all up in the country club in which they pay for. For the product line this could be one company selling clubs for players but not only the clubs also balls in which they need to hit. A company could also sell bags in which you carry your equipment and even club covers so that you keep them safe. And finally for the product line they are able to calculate how many balls they sell whether it be by the pack or just by the ball individually. They have to keep inventory on all types of equipment and clothing that they sell in the club house and online they sell items by the size weight and color or somethings. A country clubs product items are sold within the place itself and are very versatile which makes branding simple and easy.

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